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914-4 Clutch Cable - Heavy Duty Type With Fire Sleeve (CLU 914 423 401 05 PMS)
G50 Short Nose Cable Shifter System 1987-1989 Porsche 911 Carrera - G50.00 / 01 / 02 / 50 - 5 Speed (TRA 950 424 CABS G50 S PMP)
Tunnel Rod Bushing - Conversion from Tail to Side shift (TRA 914 424 224 99 PMS)
914 901 Gear Shift Rod Bearing Kit (1970-1976) Porsche 914-6/4 - Firewall / Bulkhead (TRA 914 424 224 00 PMS / TRA 914 424 224 00 PMP)
930 Cable Shifter System (1975 - 1988) Porsche 930 Turbo 4 Speed Transmission (TRA 930 424 CABS PMP)
G50 Long Nose Cable Shifter System (1990-1998) Porsche 964 / 993 G50.52 / 20 / 21 - 5 and 6 Speed Transmissions (TRA 950 424 CABS G50L PMP)
Porsche 911 / 915 Cable Shifter System (1972-1986) Porsche 911 / 915 5 Speed Transmission (TRA 915 424 CABS PMP)
NEW STOCK! Shift Rod Adapter Porsche 911 / 930 To G50 SBH (TRA 950 424 G50 SBH 930L PMS)