Engine To Chassis Wire Harness Adapter - 914-6 To 964 / 993 3.6L DME Engine (ELE 914 612 CJH 636 PMS)
Engine To Chassis Wire Harness Adapter (AKA Jumper Harness) Application For 914-6 Chassis To: 1989-1994 Porsche 964 3.6L DME Engine
1995-1998 Porsche 993 3.6L DME Engine
Replaces 914-6 Engine Control Panel And Jumpers 3.6L DME Engine Wire Harness To 914-6 Chassis Wire Harness.
Note: This Harness Is Not Compatible With The 914-4 Chassis Wire Harness. For The 4 Cylinder Chassis - Use Part Numbers: Ele.914.612.Cjh.436.PMS (Link) - Patrick Motorsports USA Exclusive
Alternate Part Numbers:
ELE 914-612 CJH 636 PMS / ELE-914-612-CJH-636-PMS / ELE.914.612.CJH.636.PMS / ELE914612CJH636PMS