Porsche 914-6 Exhaust Megaphone Muffler Set (EXH P914 6 M19SS)
914-6 - Dual Exhaust Megaphone Muffler Set - 2 x Reverse Cone Silencers - 2.0" I.D. - 4.0" O.D. - 19 in. O.A.L. - Thin Gauge Stainless Steel And 2 Bolt Flanges - TIG Welded - Patrick Motorsports USA
* Motorsport Racing / Performance Street Applications * Replacement Of Megaphones For Reduced Db Levels
Alternate Part Numbers: EXH P914 6 M19SS / EXH.P914.6.M19SS / EXHP9146M19SS / EXH 9146 EMMS / EXH-9146-EMMS / EXH.9146.EMMS / EXH9146EMMS